Pastceram Products

Ceramic bodyclays, glazes, stains, engobes, raw materials, ceramic tools. Our objective is to have available the whole range of products destined for the ceramics industry, in order to facilitate our clients’ activities.

Guaranteed Quality

Ceramic Bodyclays

Production of all types of ceramic bodyclays for the decorative, utilitarian and sanitary industry. Development of clays tailored to the client’s needs. Development, control and analysis in our own laboratory, equipped with the latest technology. After-sales technical follow-up. Worldwide shipping.


Development of all types of glazes according to customer needs and for all types of clays. Production of glazes with high flexibility in terms of packaging and shipping. Specific laboratory for developing, testing and supporting the application of glazes

Raw Materials

Production and commercialisation of all types of raw materials essential to the various stages of ceramic production

Stains, Paints and Engobes

At Pastceram we have a wide range of colours and we develop customised colors.

Tools and other Equipments

All kind of utensils for ceramic industry.

Interested in our products?

Whatever your question is, we have technicians and specialized support to help you.